Monday, June 29, 2009
*panic attack*
And i haven't even started practicing. I didn't go to school today, due to this 'royal' day. Funny how my mum treated us like 'royals' when we have our music exams - and it's not even our school exams! Hah! Music is far more important to me, punk.
But... I think I'm going to die - literally. I couldn't play my scales well (hesitated in loads of parts), and my Bach (pronounces as 'Barkh') totally sucks. Okay, so i admit, i am nervous about it. But this is my last grade exam and if i flunk it, my mother would disown me (i would disown myself too).
I am supposed to be practicing. I cannot believe i am here right now.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Seriously. I am not joking.
Oh my... Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, is dead. Holy crow!
Here's the news.
Michael Jackson has died at the age of 50. He reportedly died after suffering from a cardiac arrest and falling into a coma on the way to hospital. The news was broken on a celebrity Web site, and spread via social networks such as Twitter and Facebook before traditional media would even touch the story.
It’s a shocking and premature end to the life of one of the entertainment world’s most famous and iconic characters, but it’s now been confirmed that Michael Jackson is dead. He suffered a heart attack at around 12pm midday at his Holmby Hills home in Los Angeles, and was taken to UCLA hospital after falling into a coma.
Doctors are now saying that paramedics failed to resuscitate the singer after finding him not breathing when they arrived at his home. Michael Jackson was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. It’s a truly global news event, and one which was broken on the Web first, hours before more traditional news outlets got hold of the story., a celebrity gossip news site owned by Time Warner, broke the story of Michael Jackson’s cardiac arrest around four hours after it happened. The news then spread across the Web in that most viral of methods, with Twitter updates and Facebook status updates getting the news out there faster than any other method could.
At 5.20pm, TMZ then announced Michael Jackson had died, although its use of just one unnamed source meant most people were skeptical and willing to wait for confirmation from a more reliable source. That confirmation took another hour or so, with The Los Angeles Times, Reuters, and The Press Association then confirming his death.
Oh my gosh, and you know how this news was broken to me? I'll tell you how. I woke up first thing today, my mum came rushing into the house. When she saw me, the first thing she told me was, 'Michael Jackson is dead.' I was like, 'What the... ... ...' I was speechless. Besides not having a proper 'good morning' greeted, i was told that Michael Jackson is dead. A very good morning for me, today. Holy crow!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Second, Ceremony At The Avenue! is in need of a new drummer. Anybody who is reading this, please spread this news to your friends, families, cousins, school, friends... LOL. But if you think you're up for it, please leave a comment below or in the chatbox, and don't forget to leave a contact number and a name! We look forward to playing with anyone of you out there! Yours, CATA.
Third, Folios are killing me. I. Am. Dying. I haven't even started anything! Yes! Not a single thing. And i am supposed to be doing TWO folios. I am going to die - in pieces. My teachers are going to strangle me and i am going to let them. Why? Cause that way i won't be alive to do anymore folios! Nice plan eh?
Forth, i am currently addicted to theses two songs, no thanks to them.
How you love Me Now - Hey Monday
Run, Don't Walk - Hey Monday
Do watch these two videos and try to figure out why i am addicted to them.
Fifth, I am wacthing Spongebob now. So... ciao!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
It's even more depressing now, come to think of it.
I don't know when or how i will see them again, or when will we all hang out like we used to again. Even if it's just for a movie, just to hang out, or just to have dinner... It's terrible that everything and everyone had to be so darn busy.
And next year? You ask about next year... Next year everyone's leaving. And I'm going to be here, alone.
I can hardly bear this today, i don't think i could handle all of them leaving next year.
Yeah, so we had arguments, we had disagreements. But didn't that make our bonds even tighter, closer? Already, i miss everyone and everything and every time.
Yeah, maybe this meant very little to you guys. Maybe this is all just an experience, or a play thing. But to me, all of this meant everything to me. I grasp everything that we ever had close to my heart, close to my soul. I love doing this and i want to do this again, as soon as possible, no matter the arguments, the fights, the sarcasm. I love all of this and i really cherish every moment we ever had. You guys were so good, like the big brothers i never had. I love you guys so much, it actually hurts, and i don't think i care what you guys think about me anymore. All i know is that, I may be the worse friend you guys ever had, or maybe the most sensitive/easily pissed off/weird person you guys had ever encounter. But believe me when i say this, i love hanging out with you guys, no matter what we were doing, and for the past few months, you guys had been my life.
I will miss everything, just as i am missing it so much right now.
School is starting. Everything is changing, yet again. I don't think i can cope up with everything in school anymore. All that I had ever want is to do music, and that is the end of it, no matter if i success in it or not. And all that i'm thinking now is where and how will i end up to be without them. I had once thought that i already have everything, that i can do everything that i had ever love with them, together. But now... Us falling apart just proves to be the one thing i can't have, no matter how much i enjoyed it. I really think that. What if we really had that offer? Not everyone is me, and not everyone won't hesitate to accept it. I want to do this, so of course i choose that path, i am lookng into that path. But i can't make everyone see the same way as i do, or choose the same things as i do. People have different perspective on things, and the attachment is making all of it worse. I want them here with me, to make the same choices, but i can't seem to hold on longer onto them. They need to make their decisions, and i need to move on with mine.
But i wanted so badly that everything will go on.
When i first heard that they are going to leave, that we won't be able to perform together anymore, it's like a knife had cut straight into my heart. It ached, and it never really healed.
But i guess that this is inevitable. I had just chosen not to think of it months ago. Now that it is actually happening, it's unbearable.
It hurts so much to think of this, to dwell on this. But this is what i feel. I may be talking like i'm breaking up with somebody - but in truth, this is what it feels like to break up with music, to break up with something that i love so, so much.
Okay, i may be taking things too seriously/desperately, but this is really what i feel now. I dunno what you guys are thinking, but i want you guys to know (if you're reading this), that i treated this whole thing very, very seriously. I had even thought - dreamed - that we had
that chance. I hope we do, in the future, but i just have to move on - for the moment.
I love you guys, and i hope we could continue doing this forever.
- Jo
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The inspiration of Random-ness
Since i have nothing to report to every one of you, i have decided to post up some taken-a-long-time-ago pictures i've been keeping in my phone. Hope you enjoy while i slowly and delicately upload each one of them.
My sister's soft toy. She thought that by tying it's ears up it could look like CJ7.
My sister and my brother sleeping. My sister hugging my brother, my brother hugging the bear. Wtf? But cute, nonetheless.
Supposedly, the moon.
Hah! Lika, Krystyl, if you guys are reading/seeing this, please do not kill me. LOL!!
Last year, i followed my mum to the market when she wanted to buy chickens for business - i mean, her restaurant. I wanted to just tag along and see her buy her stuffs. I thought it was fun, you know, and i wanted to learn how to buy some food stuff anyway (for later days, you know, in case). But - After looking at the pictures, i'm sure you know why i vowed never to go there - ever again.
I... really don't know what this is.
Ahh! The bird nest in my garden! My sister had to be the itchy-hands one to take the picture. But... It looks a little weird, and very very small.
After a few weeks, the birds are out!! This is what they look like. Well, hmm, personally, i think they look like very small dinasours - from this angel, at least.
My brother sitting on Pauls' shoulders. He was pulling Paul's hair, LOL, like a horse...
Personally though, i thought it was quite appropriate. LOL.
Hah! Paul, now don't complain that we can't see the drummer. Now we can ALL see the drummer. Can see you only, actually.
The end result after asking them to 'move here a little', 'no, forward abit', 'no, back a little', and 'yes, there'.
Hope you enjoy those pictures - which i've kept so long - which i've uploaded for so hard. Maybe now, i can clear the memories in my phone. Yay!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The 'raw energy' - Hayley Williams (Paramore)

Myself and Jasmine Marcus and Jas. I dunno why, but with Marcus looking so 'innocent', it still looks wrong. AHAHA
Being unprepared for the picture...
Carl, 'syok sendiri'.Now this is cool. I like this. The hat. So wrong, yet so right...
Carl's pick!! He is the most violent guitarist on earth! LOL. Well, can't blame him, he IS the rhythmic guitarist...
This is what you get when boys began cam-whoring themselves...

I take pride in this picture. My masterpiece. Boys...

Jaycee and I... Micahel is so blur... LOL. He either looks up or down...
I gotta say, we make a nice team. All of us. I really hope we can continue 'doing this forever...'.
Well, we spent the next day or so hanging out. We went to the beach, to the mall, to the beach again, and then to paul's house again. Seriously, we could do this all day long/all year long. All these friendship realy mean a lot to me, and i hope that we never seperate!!

Let's fly a kite!!

'Pretty Paul'...

And then it was Roxanne's Sweet 16 partay. It was very... classy. In other words, very pleasant. We enjoyed ourselves that night, sorry if i was a little late, just came back from KL. But we had a nice time. Very nice to meet all the old friends again, really. It's been AGES since i saw them... Ahh, nice time, nice time.