To start with the tiniest thing of all - the ultimate exam of my lower secondary life. I have just finished my PMR and it is the most relieving thing to be experienced! I am totally free - this is the part where i say 'O du ljuva frihet' (forgive me if i have spelling mistakes), which means 'Oh sweet Freedom' in Swedish - and i can do whatever i want. Yes, it is awesome, the freedom, the feeling of floating away and the feeling of sleeping on the couch of my living room... Well, it's awesome anyway. Everything in my life seemed pretty awesome, as far as i can see. I'm not gonna talk about my exam, because it sucks and it will just lead me into an eternal mourning form.
I dunno what i'm talking about.
The next thing... I'm so happy to be talkin' about this!
PARAMORE'S BRAND NEW EYES IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay yay yay!!!!!!!!!!!
I freakin' love Paramore and this album is the most significant thing they have ever done, if i do say so. The album is the prove of them growing up and have grown up into better musicians, better artists, a much more experience band and much better persons. It's the album of the year - from my point of view - and i have been waiting forever to listen to it. Well, i've been listening to it and every song is awesome. I'm so hooked up into the songs and i listen to them every single day. No kidding. Nope, not even remotely close to kidding. Since early of 2008, Paramore have been with me every single day of my life and i love them to death. I'm sure if i have to report a review of every song in the new album, you would be reading my blog for the rest of today and tomorrow. Every song is awesome. The list of my favourite songs from it:
Brick by Boring Brick
The Only Exception
Misguided Ghosts
Turn it Off
Where The Lines Overlap
All I Wanted
Playing God
Feeling Sorry
Looking Up
Basically, it's everything. It's just which song i favor the most =)
Anyway, I'm supposed to be going to Beyonce's concert this coming Sunday, but because it is postponed, i am stuck at home like a good little church gal. I am a little bumped about the idea of the the concert being postponed, but what can i do? Smack the people in their heads and call them pods? Nah.
I really dunno what i'm talking about now. Just finished cleaning my brother who pooped. Uh, not the prettiest sight, i can tell you.
Been listening to loads of old songs. Old as in Teenager by My Chemical Romance and so on. I didn't know i missed them a lot until i downloaded them once again and listened to them. Loads of old school bands are kinda awesome. I love them.
Now, pictures of Paramore - from a Parafreak =)

Oh, i am learning drums, by the way. From a dear friend, Jasher, and he's teaching me well. My first lesson was yesterday, and i learned a bunch of stuffs. Loved it. Gotta say, learning drums is kinda hard, but i think it's all about the coordination and depending how creative you are in putting perfect beats into a song. I think. But i'm gonna learn it anyway. I like drums, and i certainly love Cobus Potgieter.
Voice is freakin' hoarse. I've been sick right after the exam - during, actually - and my voice is like a squeking duck. Yes, sometimes, if i can't reach, my voice resembles a duck. Not amusing. Not at all. Worst of all, i can't sing! That part is the hardest thing i've had to cope in my life. I hate not being able to sing... It's saddening! I'm sad!
More pictures! -.-
Their new album's cover. Very awesome, ain't it? Nice and simple, but full of meaning.