I have been busy, and my schedule is killing-me tight. No, I'm not being dramatic. It really is hectic. There's so much i wanted to share, wanted to talk about... But alas, my friends, i have limited time and very limited resistance of the temptation of my bed.
For starters, I'd like to show you guys an opening video.
I know, i know. I thought that even i had got over the Twilight frenzy, but obviously, i am now not. I am beginning to sink into the New Moon insanity thingie.
Well, now I'd like to announce my love for the movie Hercules, and my interest for ancient Greek gods. Let's see, I love the Disney movie 'Hercules' and I love the soundtrack and all the songs there, especially 'I won't say I'm In Love'. That song totally threw me away every time i heard it. It's for people who don't admit they're in love, and don't want to say it out loud. Hah! And i am now downloading every single Disney movie song i can get. It's crazy, i tell you. I am also in love with the song 'Go the Distance' by Michael Bolton. That song rocks my socks, especially with his powerful tenor voice... *sigh* I love that song.
It's hard to get out of it when you really sink into it, you know. In the classic Disney era, i mean.
Now, the second video i want to show, is this. I was deeply touched by this song, though i don't know why. But - bah... I'll let you see for yourself.
This song is 'Send it On' by the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez. Yep, all Disney kids. Well now, don't get me wrong. I may love classic Disney stuffs like their cartoon movies and soundtracks by those legends like Phil Collins and Steve Wonder and more, but i don't really get the new agenda of the present Disney. It's all.... teenage kids, who come in packages. It's real... I don't know how to describe it.
Well, i might be very well behind the date with the video i'm going to show you next, but i just found it out a few days ago and i would like to bring it up again to/ in my blog.
I love Tyson, don't you?
May i just add that this year's Teen Choice Awards is simply simple. Yes, i saw the whole thing and i think it's kinda pleasant, if not simple.
And then, before i show you the last possible video for this time, i just want to say that the whole charity concert thing was a huge success and i want to thank my mum and everyone who worked so hard for the concert. It was awesome, and i gained loads of experiences onstage and below. Besides, i got to wear a pretty dress, LMAO.
My buddies, Vanessa and Soon Huei.

Two words: Paramore rocks!
P.S, One more video/ song. Before i leave.
Sea of Treachery doing a cover of Paramore's Misey Business. I love both versions!
~ Jocelyn-Lixian