Well, loads of things are happening lately. First, a school in the town I'm staying had been closed and quarantined for H1N1. So people, please take good care of your health and be healthy - always! So far, there's four deaths in Malaysia and i do not want to know about another death here. The knowledge of another life has gone from the surface of this earth is quite unbearable for me.
You may think that i am afraid of death - but i tell you, truly, that i am not quite afraid of it. Death is what everyone has to go through in their last times on earth and for me, i see death as another part of journey after life. I value life. I love and appreciate life. But - Being a human, i accept that i am going to die - be it sooner or later. But nonetheless, i accept it and though i do not welcome it, i am not afraid of it. The only thing that will torment me with fright is the thought of going through pain. I cannot stand pain. I am truly afraid of it. There - my weakness. I am terrified of pain. Call me witless, call me chicken. I care not. But i tell you now, i am afraid of pain.
These days, i am going through many things. I have my exams, and i have my life to think about. Sometimes, i think that i cannot do certain things - and that tears me down. But then again, i see the possibilities in the course, and my enthusiasm flares up in me once more like a rope dipped with gasoline. The things that i want to do - i want to be a composer, a vocalist, a producer, a script writer, a director, an author. I see so many things that i may be capable of doing in the future, and i am not boasting about it here. I am merely weighing my options and consider my interests for my future. Many teenagers cannot see where they want to go in my age. Whenever someone asks them, their answer would be 'I don't know yet.' I dunno what happened, but i can fathom my course - for now - and i want to pursue it with all i can.
To tell you the absolute truth, i cannot see myself doing paper work. I mean, give me a break. Tied up in office with a desk and a computer with tonnes of white blurry papers to finish? Well, some people may call it fun, but doing those things certainly is not on my list of what i call 'fun'.
Well, no matter. I shall see where things go. Does the phrase 'old soul stuck in a young body'. I know i may not act very mature sometimes, but that is how i cope with my very confusing present life.
Okay, besides writing now, i am 'arguing' with people in Facebook about True Blood and Twilight. Before i go into that though - I LOVE TRUE BLOOD!! True Blood is awesome, and i love it forever, and ever and ever and ever. Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin are terrific! Honest to God, Stephen Moyer is probably the best vampire on earth! He is awesome, and i fell in love with Bill Compton because of him. Oh my gosh, i am gushing and sputtering now, and i do not care. Stephen Moyer is probably the second and the last vamp to ever catch my heart *heart gallops*. The first one... Well, he caught me as a human first (Rob Pattinson) then he became a vamp, so there. Bill Compton is IT!
As i was saying, i was arguing with people in Facebook about Twilight and True Blood. I honestly think that True Blood is a much better vampire series than Twilight. And as i was saying, Twilight are for minor/teen vamp fans - if you get what i mean. There isn't so many bloody vampiric scenes in it, and it all evolves more about two people in love and the forbidden love and dramas. It's all in one person's head, you know. You don't get to see vampires in real action besides Edward, Victoria, James and the Vultori getting down to business. And the Vultori is just talking! Twilight is more on the love rather than the things that are going, you understand. There's not much blood, but loads of chemistry.
Whereas True Blood has everything and happens everywhere - and i mean, everything and everywhere. True Blood has more action, more badass vampires, more characters, much more bloody (seriously, there's blood everywhere) and the chemistry between Bill and Sookie is amazing! True Blood is much more complex and interesting, it automatically raises up to a whole new level.
To make it simple, Twilight is love; True Blood is steamy hot, passionate love.
I need a stronger word for love - 'cause True Blood really needs it.
Not that i don't feel Twilight's thing. It's just... I feel it better in True Blood - as an audience and a reader.
But, when it comes to reading vampire series... It is either Anne Rice's series or Dracula - the originals. Anne Rice has an amazingly creative mind, and an awesome writing attraction. You could really feel it when you're reading her books and when it's Lestat, you're Lestat. When it's a story, you start sinking into it without surfacing until the end. It's so real and deep. Beautiful to a man, handsome for a woman. I understand it completely. So what if a guy kisses another guy? It does not mean they are gay. Of course, there is love between them, but not as lovers. Until you learn to understand that, Anne Rice's series may not be suitable for you.
The darker side of things are often easier for me to interpret, as are songs that has much more meaning, i totally get it. Happy go lucky is not the thing for me in the present. There's too much happening in this world to be 'happy go lucky'. Men craves blood in war, kills mercilessly. Diseases, deaths, starvations, orphans, abandonments. People kept saying it's not their fault. But then again, who's fault is it that the child became an orphan? Who's fault is it that war erupts? Men did it - humans. Mistakes after mistakes are repeated over and over again and who is it that is to be blamed?
There's so much things out there that are happening, and yet here we are, worrying about ourselves and our pride. It's not that we should not worry what is on our plates, but i think - from the point of view of a teenage girl that may not be right - that we should do all we can to help. Give, is a wonderful thing. Give without expecting a return is even a more glorious thing. I admit, i do not think that always, but i am learning. Everyone needs to learn from one another. Sometimes, a person can change the course of the entire world. A child can influence a whole hall of people. The tiniest of things can set things in motion, but the tiniest thing can also calm a person down. I want so much to understand everything that are happening in this world right now, but i do not think that is possible. Thoughts are recruiting and swarming in my mind even as i am typing now. People understand what needs to be done, but do not attempt to do it - even i.
Well, enough of these 'lectures'. There's some really steamy pictures i would like to show you guys.
Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer)
But i like the picture below. Sooki (Anna) and Bill. They are a couple in real life as well as on screen.

Here, a short video. Do watch it! It'll melt your heart...
Well, maybe the last part was a little over-18 scene, but i ain't saw anything, promise! I hope you guys enjoy it. It's so sweet... It's not just this clip that' is nice, there's more! That's why i am looking for the DVD. Cross my fingers and hoping hard.
Oh, and one more thing. You don't see fight scenes in Twilight - as in Edward and Bella fighting. But you do see it here with Bill and Sookie. They fight and they make up. I think this is the best part of the chemistry for them.
Now this next video... Bill was angry at Sookie for letting Jessica (the 'daughter' of Bill since he Made her) go to her parents' house. He drove them home and... You see for yourself.
Anyone who is addicted to this series, please please please let me know. Then we can talk. LOL.
Quote: Though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil.
Well some people think you're very talented. Remember that lady reporter from that day in Vistana? I saw her again on Saturday and she said she admired you because you were taking up so many things (and wrote a book at 15 on top of that!). ;)