But, thank goodness, it sounds cool. At least, i think it does.
Hyper Jumper...
Listening: Stolen - Dashboard Confession
Probably it's because of the fact that I've watched Pandorum today (weird name). It kinda influenced my title naming today, so yeah. An awesome movie by the way, i might say, for a trainee/ junior thriller movie watcher. Gee. I don't sound good.
Listening: The Middle - Jimmy Eat World.
Anyway, as i was saying, Pandorum is an awesome movie. I love Ben Foster. He's a kickass actor, and i have full respect for him. Straight to the point? I adore him. Really, i do. Many of you might not know him like this, but if i tell you something, you'll know him for sure - unless you live on an isolated place where there are no TVs and computers and Internet and X-Men movies. The dude is the one who acted as Angel in X-Men: The Last Stand. Yes, he's gorgeous. Yes, i adore him (I've said that twice. Get it through your thick head lol). So, the result is, i love Pandorum, and nothing anyone say will change that.
You might come to ask - how come I've watched it? Well, there's a chance that you may not ask because anyone can watch a movie any day, so I'll tell you myself and assumed that you did ask (man, do i sound cocky!). It was actually a snap decision. I was in church like a good little church gal (there i go again with my freakin' church gal description), mindin' my own business (there's only two businesses you can do in church and that is attend mass or go to Sunday class. I did both, so yeah) and then i saw those two guys who aren't sitting for exams these few weeks. Nope. Not for any exams. I was a dense kid. I mean, i was talking to them and then - and then -
And then i became a smartass (temporarily) and a light flickered on in my head with a click and i was like, hey, these two dudes are available! Let's go watch a damned movie!
Yes, mates, you've guessed it (no, you didn't)! They are no other than Rainier and John - from ISK. Yes, the international school from here (here is the town of Kuantan in the state of Pahang in the country of Malaysia). I invited them (since i knew the time for the movie). I checked up the time and everything the night before, so i knew. I was supposed to watch this film with Jason and Carl, but Carl couldn't make it because of his SPM coming *scoffs*, and it was weird two people watching it together (a human male and a human female who were just friends), so we cancelled it. And then a miracle happened in church and the light thing came on and so, the three of us decided to watch it.
As usual, i was the only female.
It's not like i want to be the only female in the crowd. I mean, who does? We stand out. We freakin' stand out. I mean the-only-girl-in-the-crowd girls. It's not good for people to stare and make stupid assumptions in their own brains. In fact, the limelight is a very distracting thing, if not suspicious. Who knows what people thinks? I don't especially care, but after some unfortunate incidents that caused me and my family some stupid lame problems (ones that we're never gonna care about ever again anyway), i felt the need and the right to know what people think about me, in some crude manner. I don't want any trouble, so yeah.
Apparently i don't know what I'm talking about, so I'll be skippin' this part.
So the three of us bought the tickets and grabbed a quick lunch (McD), which reminds me, i haven't paid John back yet! Shite. Not good. I'm gonna pay him back next Sunday when i see him in church. So, back to my tale. We ate, and then watched the freakin' movie. Again, it was nice. It is nice. I loved it, and i love it. Here's some pictures. Some. And i say some 'cause i don't wanna be the spoiler for you.
Yes, there's a girl in there. She's pretty - pretty dangerous.
Oooh, i love this part. My hands were covering my face here but there were gaps between my fingers, so I'm doing okay.
Listening: Turn It Off (acoustic) - Paramore
Yes, my dear friends. I'm happy to say that i was surprised as well. Cam Gigandet was in here! Yes, i adore him as well.
So, after the movie (we were pretty jumped, by then), i had to go straight home. My mum was already in ground floor waiting and i had to go for an orchestra practice (I'll get to that later). On the way out, guess who i met? Yup, you guessed it again (you did not). Carl. He was in his dad's shop, and in front of him was a laptop and a cup of Oreo ice-cream. I butted in and saw pictures in it (his laptop) and butted out. I dunno why i went there but i just did. LOL. One word though.
But it was all for good fun. I met Kenny there too, walking into Carl's dad's shop. Gee, loads of apostrophes. I blinked in and blinked out in a blink of an eye and seconds later i was in my mum's cars, strolling away.
It was a fun day.
And then i went to Khoo Academy for orchestra practice for the first time in over 3 years of never stepping foot in there. I gotta admit, it felt good. Real good. Literally. Loads of new people, i met. Kelvin was there, like he promised. And then again, a lot of 'old' people i met there were playing other instruments instead of their first instruments. That was a surprise - and a good one. Loads more instruments like drums, trombones (was it trombone? I couldn't remember, short term memory lost), keyboard and the piano were brought into the orchestra too. I love the people there, and i hope nothing bad will come out of it.
After practise, i went for golf.
It was really bad today. Practise was bad. My iron shots were good, but i can't say the same for my wood shots. My driver totally sucked. If you knew about golf, you would know what I'm talking about and not the real life driver, 'cause that would be my mum. -.- No, i love her, rest assured. But my golf practise today is so off, i promise i would have kicked myself in the butt if i could (i won't). So, we'll hope for the best in tomorrow (I'm meeting Shar Min there, teehee!). I know that things won't always go the right way you wanted them to go sometimes, and all it's gonna take to make it right again is time.
I just made the sentence up myself, but i think i was makin' sense.
At least, to myself.
Anyway, i gotta go. My sis is dozing off, waiting to use the computer and it's 12 19am now (she wants to watch videos with it in Youtube, so shhhhh).
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