Friday, February 11, 2011

Words and Actions

I sincerely hope that the people i intended to write this for will read this post and think - wisely. For I am sick and tired of the gestures and verbal skills of human beings sometimes. Especially those who think that money and power are everything.

To start off, i have a question. Who do you think you are? I truly believe that every human has the right to live as they will, to have their own freedom and to contemplate life as they see fit. God gave us free will to live our lives as we please, and He is God. Other people do not rule or interfere with a person's personal life, or how they live it with their own family. So what rights do you have to tell us what to do, how to live our lives, and do what you see fit to us?

Well. You are truly misled, my dear madame. You are merely a person, succumbed into fake wealthiness and popularity in a small town that has no significant spot on Earth, and surrounded by your own puppets as you pull the strings along in your pretentious flamboyant life - your own staged show. Even i am able to tell just by looking that your puppets may turn on you someday and they will over take you in where you once shine, and you will be left with nothing in the end. But. I am here not to safe you, but hopefully to correct your misdoings to us and perhaps to forgive you and your family.

Self righteousness will only lead you no where. You think you are right, but you can only see into your own mind and do what you think is right. You do not know what goes on inside the mind of others and assume about everything else. You teach others to hate, to condemn and you have brainwashed them so successfully that i have to praise you for your abilities to deceit others. You say things which are not true, and you are the perfect actress. All of you. You play a superior role when we are around with other people, but when we are not, you fall back to your real self and play ignorant. Frankly, is it not hard to play different roles adapting to situations and crowds? Why can't you be yourself since the very beginning? It would make things so much easier. Do you really cannot bear to look at yourself if you were the real you?

And your words and physical actions... My, my. If it was me, i would have positioned myself lower than a pond scum. Who would use violence to ignite a yelling session and acts like the lady of a pack of thick goons? Really, is that how a person should behave? An adult, nonetheless. And only a couple years ago your beloved darling had just threatened to physically abuse me. And i have retorted the same way as what i am doing now. Is that how anyone should behave? Walk around hitting and yelling at people like a bunch of low lives? Why do you all speak and act like a family of gangsters, waiting to pounce on people who did no wrong? That's called bullying and it's horrendously horrible. You, of all people, should know the consequences of bad actions. But then again, i guess you didn't know. After all, you aren't really who you said you are.

You love fame and money, and you love your 'face' more than anything else. But i'll give you this. Those things mean nothing if you pretend, and more if you can't live up to it. I pity you, i sympathies you. You and your family. For you all don't understand the true meaning of being just, of being a normal person. You think you are right but you are wrong. And your so-called friends are only pulling you down together with them as i watch you all compete and back stab each other. You say you are true to your friends? I say that is bullshit. You treat them nice because they are of benefit to you. But those who doesn't do any good to you, you use them and drain them dry like a leech and then find ways to control them. I tell you truly, change, before you get sucked into the whirlpool of the materialistic world and could not pull yourself up. I am only trying to help you by writing here and open your eyes to you mistakes. If you do not admit it, fine. At least people will know and be wary of you.

You may be able to latch your control over those whom i love, but remember that you can have no hold over me. I am myself. Once again i say, i do what i want and i shall say what i want. You can never, never bother me. If you strike, remember that i am younger than you and i have nothing to lose, and i will only strike back harder. I have a life laid out before me while you have spent most of yours building your fake identity. You can never touch me, nor my family. You can never do anything to us. We abjure you. We hear you no longer, we speak to you no longer. We do this not out of hatred, but out of pure forgiveness and to let ourselves stay out of the trouble that you've caused.

I hold no grudges. We hold no grudges. Therefore, i am writing this all down now to let my mind have a peace of its own. I have held this in for too long, and it is time to let go of the past that once bothered us and move on towards our future with heads held high. You did us wrong, yet we forgive you. This shows a difference on the respectable level of a human. Jealousy, betrayal, pretense... That is all you. So now we all know, who is really in the right, and who is in the wrong. But i hold no grudges, i hold no grudges. I make myself forgive and forget, and i have done enough for you.

This song is for you.

Ignorance is your new best friend...

Love, Jocelyn Wong Lixian

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